
How to use bluestacks windows
How to use bluestacks windows

how to use bluestacks windows

Just like, CPU core counts, adjust the RAM value according to your system. Once you have set the CPU settings, set the ‘RAM(MB)’ settings to “ High (3GB)“. It is suggested that you use at least one core less than the available physical cores.įor example, if you are using a 4-core CPU, set the value of ‘CPU cores’ to “ 3” or “ 2“.Ħ. It will slow down the system significantly. While setting the CPU Cores, do NOT use all the CPU cores for BlueStacks. Then, set the ‘CPU cores’ to a higher value than it was before.

how to use bluestacks windows

After that, scroll down through the right-hand pane to the ‘Performance’ tab.ĥ. Then, tap on “ Engine” on the left-hand side.Ĥ. Then, tap on the “ ≡” menu and click on “ Settings” to access it.ģ. At first, open BlueStacks if it isn’t opened yet.Ģ.

How to use bluestacks windows